Affiliate Reward Program Commission Breakdown
Cost/Commission on Individual Sales
- $300 (1 box) = $100 commission
- $285ea (2 boxes) = $150 commission
- $270ea (3 boxes) = $200 commission
- $260ea 4 (boxes) = $250 commission
- $250ea (5 boxes) = $300 commission
Monthly Revenue Share Pool
- 1 unit $20 will be put in
- 2 units $40 will be put in
- 3 units $60 will be put in
- 4 units $80 will be put in
- 5 units $100 will be put in
To qualify for a share in the revenue share pool anyone who sells 5 units in a months period from the 1st until the end of each month will get a share.
For example, our group sells 700 units in a month. $14,000 will be put into the revenue share pool. If 20 people sell 5 or more they’ll split $14,000 which will be $700 each. Another example, our group sells 7,000 units in month $140,000 will be put in.
Lets make 2023 an amazing year with great health, saving families money, and many families making money.
***NOTE: Although it should go without saying, you receive referrals on orders that OTHERS make using YOUR link. Affiliates do NOT receive commissions on their own purchases as that would of course be unsustainable as we can’t give actual referrers their commission if that money was used to discount the order itself. Those who attempt to circumvent this system will have the referral denied. We want to ensure the system is fair to all across the board. If you want to purchase in bulk to resell yourself outside this website, please contact your distributor or email us.***